PLEIADVM CONSTELLATIO from “Sidereus Nuncius” by Galileo Galilei

I’ve becomd strangely drawn to the crazy-ass lockups done by other letterpress printers using lead type, and I decided to do one myself. This is atypical for me, as I’m a digital guy from way back, and figured what I’d be doing at Reflex would be photopolymer production work. Well, there’s been some of that, but some of this, too.

Galileo printed an interpretation of his observation sketches of the open star cluster the Pleiades in his little pamphlet he titled Sidereus Nuncius, or “The Starry Message”. He published his drawings of what he could see through his new telescope: the mountains of the moon, of the moons of Jupiter, and the amazing number of stars visible that were hitherto invisible to the naked eye. I took that imprint of the Pleiades and turned it into a letterpress piece.

I’m pretty darn happy with it. There will be some tweaking and adjustments, and I have to see if I can get a larger version of Caslon for the header, but this is a good project. I’ll be editioning it in the next couple of weeks.