Rental Conditions

Welcome to the Reflex Letterpress Rental Conditions page!
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A useful How-To document for various Press-related activities is available here.

There are two levels of rental access to Reflex Letterpress. Standard membership at Reflex Letterpress is $150 for 30 days, starting at first rental, or $360 for 90 days, starting at first rental. Production membership at Reflex Letterpress is $250 for 30 days, starting at first rental, or $640 for 90 days, starting at first rental.

Standard and Production members will be provided a key to the front door of the Stove Factory building. The Stove Factory building is open during business hours, from 7:00am to 3:30pm, Monday through Friday. The front door will be unlocked at this time; at all other times the door will be locked. If the studio is used after hours, or a rental session continues past business hours, it is the responsibility of the renter to make sure that the front door to the Stove Factory building is locked upon leaving the premises. Failure to follow this procedure will result in in a $50 fine and possible revocation of rental privileges, with no refunds for unused time.

Keys to the second floor studio area and to the Reflex Letterpress Main Studio are in a coded lockbox located in the second floor landing. Members in good standing will have the code to access this lockbox. This code may change at any time. Members in good standing will be notified of any changes to this code. Members must lock all doors and return the second floor studio and Reflex Letterpress keys to the lockbox upon completion of rental. Failure to return keys or leaving any door unlocked will result in a $50 fine and possible revocation of rental privileges, with no refunds for unused time.

Production renters will be supplied with an additional code to the lockbox outside the Production Studio. This code may change at any time. Members in good standing will be notified of any changes to this code. Production renters may use both studios and both Vandercook No 4 presses, although it is recommended that Production renters will default to the Production Studio press, and reserve the Main Studio press for times when another Production renter has scheduled the Production press.

Members must be vetted in the print studio for competency and appropriate studio practices. Members may be required to take a class in studio practices prior to gaining access. Members must follow all posted safety and equipment guidelines. Members must leave Reflex Letterpress in a clean and usable condition after their rental session. Members may store type and items in labelled galley trays for later use. Members must follow all directions given by the Pressmaster, if present.

In order to prevent schedule conflicts with other members, members must book times on the Reflex Letterpress website, using the Google calendar. In the case of a scheduling conflict, the member who has appropriately scheduled the conflicting time will be given precedence. Members should treat all interactions with other members, the Pressmaster, and any other inhabitants of the Stove Factory building with professionalism and civility. Members may only have one guest with them for any rental session. Guests must be 18 years or older. In the absence of the Pressmaster, only members and their guests are to be in the print studio, and only members are allowed to handle the studio equipment. Failure to comply with these terms and conditions may result in revocation of rental privileges, with no refunds for unused time.